La Maison d'Armorine

Settled in Quiberon, Yvonne and Raymond Audebert were daring confectioners. Since 1946, they have perpetuated all the know-how of our Breton grandmothers by making the famous lollipops “les Niniches®”: a delicious salted butter caramel and a multitude of fruit flavors.

In this post-war France, where sugar was being rediscovered, success was immediate for the famous Niniches, they were awarded: “Best candy in France.”

It is a specialty now listed as part of France's culinary heritage.

The quality of these different specialties is based on the raw materials (local products, fresh butter, milk, fresh cream, Guérande salt, but also cane sugar, etc.) while retaining traditional manufacturing processes, copper cauldrons and good know-how.
